Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Visit Ruidoso!

Tomororw I'll be hopping a late flight from Los Angeles to Albuquerque to visit a girlfriend while she is on her Spring Break. She will be picking me up and we'll head to her hometown of Ruidoso the next morning. Most of the time, I do not envy teachers. 15-30 screaming, germy, snotty, helpless little kids all day long? Sweet Lord, NO! But getting a Spring Break, Summer Break and now a "Fall Break" [which is BS, IMHO] in addition to a Winter Break? Not a bad deal in exchange for the long hours, possible nightmare parents, and small income that comes with that choice of a career.

      My Mom was actually an early childhood teacher K-3rd grade, so I do have a soft spot for teachers since I know how tough the job actually is. My friend that I'm visiting even subjected her husband to her class once and apparently now he understands why she is so wiped out at the end of each day. Whew! We had planned to ski, however it sounds like the snow is a bit mushy and not great conditions so perhaps we'll just relax and shop and sightsee! While I love love love traveling and seeing new things, I do NOT LOVE PACKING! I don't ever think I have met someone who does. At all! So tonight, while the husband is flying- I will be playing mix and match for a 4 day excursion. Oh, the possibilities!!!!??? I can tell you this much though, I WILL bring more than 2 outfits and they will be practical!

I can ski in this, right?

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