Wednesday, May 8, 2013

What I am MOST afraid of...

Water & Heights... period. The usual stuff like dying young, losing my husband, is sort of a gimme, in my opinion. But water and heights are really up there, and have affected recreational activities to a degree. Last Thanksgiving, I even cried during a hike with my husband and his siblings because I kept falling down. It was really steep and there were cactus everywhere AND these giant yellow wasps. Holy crap that was a BAD DAY! Husband gets SO annoyed when my feathers get ruffled- but that's just me. When we met, I wasn't regailing tails of how I scaled the nearby Appalachians. While I enjoy being outside, I like to have fun, and scaling the side of a mountain battling spines and stingers is NOTMYIDEAOFAGOODTIME!!!!

The view was nice though...

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