So, a few weeks ago a girlfriend of mine from work invited me to come try adult beginner figure skating lessons. So I paid for the skate rental, and off I as a former roller-blader from the 90's, this seemed like it was gonna be cake. However, there's no brakes on ice skates. At all...
Seriously. And oh, by the way it's really freaking cold in there! Ahh! Like a brand new deer, this little bambi hobbled toward the ice and death-gripped the inside of the rink for a few moments steadying myself. Yep. That feeling that your feet are about to shoot out from under you at any moment, sending your behind straight down to the ice is not the most settling feeling I have had. I don't know which is scarier, seeing my fiance bring up the rest of his clothes into our bedroom to put away or the fear of falling while ice skating. By the end of the lesson, after only one tiny fall I was super hooked. Bad hooked. I popped into the shop to decide which skates would be the best for purchase and then it occurred to me that I had found the best thing ever about ice skating- (brace yourself) LEG WARMERS! Yes, it's 2012 and I purchased a pair of hot pink, glittery leg warmers to wear over my brand new ice skates and very thick tights. "But what could be better than legwarmers?' you ask? Ohhh perhaps the fact that attached to all the girls skate skirts in the store was a matching scrunchie.
For real, a scrunchie.
So pretty and white!!!!! |
Supportive boyfriend! |
I've now taken about 3 more lessons and it gets better every time :) Never saw myself doing this, but as an adult finding something new and exciting to dive into is fabulous!!! Just wanted to share! Have a wonderful week!!!!!!
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