Sunday, September 30, 2012

Apple Sauce- very delish!

Happy Sunday Morning!!!!! Just wanted to share a little yummy Apple Sauce Recipe I found online at It was very easy and tastes fantastic!!!!

This is the most time consuming a toughest part...and messiest!

Easy easy...

Smells so yummy!
Mash Mash Mash!!!!!

I added extra cinnamon and a pinch of nutmeg for presentation.
Frozen and labeled!- keeps up to 1 year frozen


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

What is normal?

* this might not make sense- but it was necessary*

For the next 2 weeks I'm living alone with my kitties in the house I share with my future husband. 7 days after those two weeks are up- I will be his wife. The Mrs... The old ball and chain... The battle axe...The Little Mrs. Yep, the wedding has finally arrived.

As my last "single girl" weeks draw to a close, this alone time is a blessing to reflect on this whole ordeal and accept my identity crisis. Ever since my first candle pass in my sorority, I couldn't wait to one day have a man and [non Marquis cut] rock of my own. How fun to be engaged and have bridesmaids and a yummy cake?! This happens to every girl upon college graduation, right? As many long time friends know, the college relationship I shared with a guy that everyone thought was destined to end in marriage, did not. Boohoo. YIPEEEE!!!
Finally I was free! Free to date around and flirt and mingle and have fun. Welllllll maybe I should have reigned in my fun because my open heart took quite a pounding over the next 6 years...leaving me what was recently referred to as "sadly jaded". It's true. I am unfortunately instantly untrusting of people in general, and my time away from home, moving around has not exactly helped restore my once blissfully ignorant happy nature. Now I have been labeled as someone who is "not nice" and "doesn't think very Christian." To say that to a girl who grew up attending Church twice a week for 12+ years, doesn't sit quite right. At all. First of all, the more time has passed since my care free days as a single college senior- the more I struggle to relate to the women in my family. Then I joined the Navy- and upon meeting other women realized that no, I can't make friends so easily anymore. Suddenly a kind word and friendly attitude is taken for stupidity and flirting- not just being a Christian gal and showing kindness to a neighbor.  This concept I'll never understand, but have learned to adapt to. Mostly.

There I am... 25 and as Ms. Yearwood sang, "...trying to make it in her daddy's world." No boyfriend or even a prospect, no money- just a degree, a low paying full time job, and a whole life I was leaving behind to find where I was supposed to go and be the person I am meant to be; See the world, and serve honorably. The Navy was not always a dream of mine. As much as I love it, it really wasn't.  For so long when family suggested joining I rejected the idea because I'd have to leave home and cut my hair. Truth be told, I wanted to go to graduate school and work at a college. I loved college and never wanted to leave. My friends were there and the classes were fun and challenging.

But away I went to the experience of a lifetime.  Finally I realized that being a Navy girl is not attractive and the likelihood of me following suit with my non-Navy friends of ever being married in my 20's really wasn't looking too good. Left and right, engagements popped up, bouquets were tossed, and eventually families grew. Not only did I miss out on those amazing moments with my friends- nothing remotely similar was happening to me. (WTF, universe?!) Instead I was dumped via a text message by one boyfriend, later wound up on a date with a guy who still lived at home and didn't have a job, and then it was time move [AGAIN!] and to deploy. When you're leaving the country for 7+ months, relationships don't start. They look great, and free dinners are nice but things don't go anywhere. Finally I caved. Single. That was me. And upon much reflection and unrest- I learned to accept it. But Single to me meant more than just not having a boyfriend- it meant not having any real friends around either. No one came to visit any of the places I've lived. Of course my girls at home would always be my girls, but my two closest Navy gal pals were on opposite sides of the globe. Ironically also both getting married. Seriously. And to top it off, none of my coworkers wanted anything to do with me. And they all hated each other too. Seriously. Made for a long 7 months. Working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 212 days straight- and instead of the mentorship and friendship that I thought would come along with my first time at a Division Officer, I got ignored for not wanting to date a coworker and for not being a kiss ass to the upper leadership.  That's not how I was raised. I was raised to work hard and advance on my own merit, to earn respect instead of demanding it and to respect others even if I don't care for them personally.

This. Totally. Happened. To me.
I supposed the feeling I'm really trying to convey is that I felt left out- which isn't unfamiliar to me in the slightest. As a kid  I got left out because I went to school where my Mom taught. Naturally kids think I got special treatment and that's why I did well. Quite the opposite happened. I was given no leeway, and any trouble at school followed me home including punishments. So really, I worked twice as hard to do well and was treated as though I didn't really earn it. That concept often follows women in the Navy- and is incredibly frustrating.  So I worked hard at this job. Long hours, long weeks, long months. And I wondered why this feeling of being "outside" always crept in.  I worked just as hard as everyone else- could my decision to join have been a mistake? What if the Navy isn't for me? What happened to the Navy I grew up hearing about? Why is everyone SUCH a jerk? I don't know if I can take 16 more years of the mental abuse and strain on my personal life. Hostessing at a restaurant wasn't even this bad!!!!! Everyone's life around me is moving forward- masters degrees and babies and weddings. Do I not deserve that too? Maybe it wasn't- I never dreamed about a wedding as a little girl. Apparently many little girls do this? None of my friends did. Of course, this is because I played in the woods with boys, building forts or playing Mario Cart on rainy days and riding bikes. There were no girls around to be friends with... that my mother approved of. Even my barbiedoll phase was short lived.

You know Jesus is watching?...Santa too.
As an adult, the idea of a wedding seemed exhausting- my parents were married in a courthouse. Mom wore a pants suite. While this idea is much too casual and hippie for me, I like the simplicity of it. I'm an independent girl and what I find more desirable than a fabulous china pattern is a man who loves me. Who is honest, because too many were not. Someone who loves my family, and my friends, and me just as I am- stubborn, and independent. Someone who needs me as much as I need him, and who shares my beliefs, and dreams, and wants to make some of our own. Forget bridal showers, and petit fours, and blenders, and poofy dresses.  Cause no matter how skinny you are on your wedding day, it won't change anything about the course your marriage will take. I think [from what I've witnessed] it's your mindset going in- it's accepting all of each other and having reasonable and complimentary expectations of yourself, each other, and the union. The relationship, the partnership, the union before God matters most to me. The commitment and the confidence...and the trust.

And then it happened- and I suddenly instead of giddiness, I wound up feeling wrong again. Not that the engagement was wrong or that it wasn't what I wanted.... but that bride gene that most girls have? Yeah- um, I think I skipped that issue when it was happening. I wasn't excited about picking a place or cake or menu or whatever, and my poor groom just looked at me with confusion. Well, DUH I am girly and love girly things--- so why don't I like any of this stuff as much as other girls? I didn't even know what kind of dress I wanted until it was zipped up on me in the dressing room. The rest of the details sort of fell into place. Can he love the non-bride-Bride that will float toward him in 19 days? Do other women my age or my generation feel this way? The sight of wedding planning just makes them want to scream?

It's just not me. Period. At all. I'm not the "oh-my-God-everyone-pay-attention-to-me-NOW! ALL DAY!" sort of person. And just because I am the bride, doesn't mean I'll become one. I'm more of a "hey ya'll, come get some cake and let's have some drinks and celebrate our union!" I hope that he will love me for the un-Bride that I am, and know for sure that I won't cut my hair off, gain weight, and stop..uh, well, ya know? This isn't normal according to all my planning books but oh well.
He will marry me knowing that I don't give a rats ass about the details- because all the things that I could ever want for a wedding and our marriage are things we already have, and they didn't come from a registry <3

Friday, August 10, 2012

Stolen: Organic Peach Pie

Pre-Oven...I sprinkled brown sugar before adding the top crust!
Got this recipe from the lovely Jenni at Story of My Life.  I made it to celebrate Ben coming home after 5 days away. Yes, this might sound a liiiitle over dramatic since we spent 10 months apart (Sept.11-June12), but whatever. Judge away! Absence makes the heart grow fonder. (and the house grow cleaner)

Organic Peach Pie
*organic peaches are not necessary, but they are the one fruit I almost exclusively buy in organic due to the high pesticide content.
Pillsbury package of 2 crusts
4-6 cups sliced peaches - about 6-8 medium ones (no need to peel them)
1/2 cup sugar
1/3 cup flour
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp lemon or lime juice
1 TBS butter or margarine
Preheat oven to 425. Place bottom pastry crust in pan. Mix flour, sugar, and cinnamon in a large bowl. Stir in peaches and lemon or lime juice. Turn into pie crust, and dot with butter. Cover with top pastry. Seal, flute, and cut a couple slits in the center. Cover edges with aluminum foil and bake for 30 minutes. Remove foil and bake 15 minutes longer or until crust is golden brown, and fruit mixture is starting to bubble. Cool on wire rack. Serve with vanilla ice cream or whipped cream, and enjoy!

She also has the following delicious recipes on her site. Seriously the french toast is out of this world!!!!

And no post of mine is EVER complete without some kitty here you go!

SO pretty! :)

Sums it up...if only the kitties were here! :(

Leo: "Play With me!" Lulu: "Are you kidding me?"

Monday, August 6, 2012

Living Newton's First Law- Staying In Motion!

If only I looked this way...
New running shoes are the best! Seriously- every time I lace up a new pair, I want to instantly burst outside and run forever looking like someone from the cover of runner's world. Well, lucky for this FG her FB knows how much a new pair of shoes makes me happy. So for Easter this year, he treated me to my first pair of Newton Running shoes. YAY! Since running in these, my stride completely changed and I've been able to get my time per mile below 10 minutes more than once. Several times. For real! (No, I don't count my bad I don't feel like working out today but I will anyway days).

WOOHOO! Plus they look SUPER cute [and tiny] next to boyfriend's giant New Balance  shoes. I highly recommend these amazing kicks because they're super light weight and I haven't even thought about shin splints since I put away my Asics.  Seriously. Love love love these shoes!!!!
Tiny FG, tiny shoes :)
Leo's Running/Walking/Napping/Snuggling Shoes

With any workout, stretching is important!

Really focus on your weight training...

Stretch some more!
Know that your workout was good,

...and then have a nap.

zen fire zee missiles!!! :)  Or mom snuggles.
Newton may not have liked cats. Nor do my little angels have anything to do with running or this post.  Except that when I come back from a run they look at me like I'm insane. Sweating, hydrating, and stretching- I guess they just don't see stretching as a strenuous activity.
 I miss them and looking at their pictures while Grandmeow (aka: My Mother) holds them 'hostage' makes me feel better. So you will look too. Look.......seriously. look how cute they are!

Even more cuteness.
...You're welcome!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

3 Hikes, 3 Photos, 2 Diamonds

Today, Ben and I went to hike Sandstone Peak in Malibu, CA.  It was our first big hike together and to be honest, I'm so tired that I could go to bed right now and sleep until noon tomorrow. However, I here I am entertaining my beloved readers.  As I trudged along this brutal hike over 2,000 feet up, I remembered my true first hike. Diamond Head in Oahu, HI... with my 65 year old grandmother. It was awesome.  It took forever to get to the top and lots of crazy Japanese tourists wanted pictures with me because of my glowing blonde hair, but it was my grandma who really had the trip. She made a new boyfriend at the summit- a shirtless Hawaiian local. Gross.
Ah, 1999... 

My shirt reads "Surf Angel"...I'm terrified of the ocean.

Mom and I :)
  The next time I hiked was in Pinedale, Wyoming...12 years later, and there was still a diamond involved. Only, it was attached to a ring, weighs in at 1.1 carats. giggle.

Almost a year later, we're finally back in the "Introduce Girlfriend to Nature" quest... so we I took on Sandstone Peak today, located in Malibu, CA. The turnoff to get to the hiking trail is near a famous restaurant called Neptunes Net.  Yeah, it looks all fun and tame when you see people hiking and enjoying themselves in photos or commercials. HA! LIES! Yeah. Um, those people are in stupid crazy shape and make it look all fun and easy.  Me? Yeahhhhh, I am in what I now realize is moderate shape and do not make hiking look easy. Or pretty. At all.  In fact, I am pretty sure that some of the groups of young boys and other couples that passed me were certain that I was on the verge of dying as I slowly trudged behind Ben up the mountain.  The panting, sweating, and inhaling the water from my Camelbak must have given my condition away. Never the less, I conquered my fear of heights [and bugs] and made it to the summit at 3,111 feet. 
Even had time for a cartoon!!!
It's steeper than it looks.

While Ben might have thought that I was not having a good time because I wasn't smiling, and was really scared- I promise it was fun. It was that "I'm trying something new and am scared shitless" kind of fun.  Plus, from there it was all down hill. Literally.  It felt like we flew back down the mountain and before I knew it we were cruising down the Pacific Coast Highway with the top down, blaring 311...Yay! 

Hope everyone is having a fabulous Saturday!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Shiny Object Syndrome

So, a few weeks ago a girlfriend of mine from work invited me to come try adult beginner figure skating lessons. So I paid for the skate rental, and off I as a former roller-blader from the 90's, this seemed like it was gonna be cake. However, there's no brakes on ice skates. At all...Seriously. And oh, by the way it's really freaking cold in there! Ahh! Like a brand new deer, this little bambi hobbled toward the ice and death-gripped the inside of the rink for a few moments steadying myself. Yep. That feeling that your feet are about to shoot out from under you at any moment, sending your behind straight down to the ice is not the most settling feeling I have had. I don't know which is scarier, seeing my fiance bring up the rest of his clothes into our bedroom to put away or the fear of falling while ice skating. By the end of the lesson,  after only one tiny fall I was super hooked. Bad hooked. I popped into the shop to decide which skates would be the best for purchase and then it occurred to me that I had found the best thing ever about ice skating- (brace yourself) LEG WARMERS! Yes, it's 2012 and I purchased a pair of hot pink, glittery leg warmers to wear over my brand new ice skates and very thick tights. "But what could be better than legwarmers?' you ask? Ohhh perhaps the fact that attached to all the girls skate skirts in the store was a matching scrunchie. For real, a scrunchie.
So pretty and white!!!!!

Supportive boyfriend!

I've now taken about 3 more lessons and it gets better every time :) Never saw myself doing this, but as an adult finding something new and exciting to dive into is fabulous!!! Just wanted to share! Have a wonderful week!!!!!!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Digging my garden...and casa nueva.

Our home before.... (brace yourself)

Bedroom. Seriously 
What will be my sitting / craft room

Such a disaster! 
At least the TV works!

Just a little peek of the downstairs for now- upstairs is still in shambles until our dressers arrive and are utilized. Enjoy! 

First house!


Handmade wreath on our front door! (by me) 


Front door inside

Hallway to guest room and man cave 
Garage entry

Sweet Basil

Cilantro, Sweet Basil, Rosemary, Spicy Basil, and Chives

Gonna taste so good!
Oh, and living a block away from the beach isn't too shabby either :) Thank you, Uncle Sam!

Ben paddling out

This is nice!

My handsome surfer!

View of the Channel Islands...from my blanket.