About Me

I thought I had my life figured out a long time ago. Then fate was like "Hahaha! Yeah right." So after living in a small town down south for most of my life I moved away at the age of 23 for a great job.  It requires me to travel a bit. It's awesome. But overall, I still love America the best. Especially after visiting a few countries that actually restrict what websites their citizens can go to, still treat women like property, and don't see daily showers plus deodorant as a necessity.

Role models? Christina Aguilera. She rocks my socks and is a fantastic image of great self esteem for women everywhere to admire and look up to. Plus she's sexy, sassy, and talented. (all the things I strive to be). After a few songs [usually at the top of my lungs] I'm instantly revitalized.

      I'm over 25 and unmarried. (The mantra "30, Flirty, & Thriving!" from '13 Going On 30' comes to mind.) Where I come from, that puts me just a short-hair-away from being a spinster. While I do want to get married and have a family one day- I'm in no rush to do that. It will happen when it happens. Until then, I'm having a great time. I'm a big believer in "lessons learned". All of life's experiences- both good and bad- have gotten me to where I am today.

     Later in my life, if I am not making my current profession a career (or maybe even if I do) I want to own a hair salon. Being happy and helping others feel good about themselves is a passion of  mine and what better way than to do it through a salon? If that doesn't work out, maybe I'll be a flight attendant?Although, my patience is already shot so in 10 years I really  wouldn't bat a long-mascara-coated-eyelash before I'd "drop" beverages into the laps of asshole passengers.

I enjoy cooking, shopping, wearing heels, drawing, painting, cartooning (see below), running races, and just being a sassy fabulous girl.

Here's my cartoon! She doesn't have a name, other than Cartoon Alter Ego...come to think of it, maybe I'll call her 'Fancy'. But then I'd have to give her a horrible accent and dye her hair red. ugh. Nope. No name. Just Cartoon alter ego. She makes special appearances throughout my blog...and she's very sassy!


Girl With The Swirl said...

Haha I love your miss fancy. I have a character in my head lately too that I've conjured up that's sort of cartoon like hehe.

Girl With The Swirl said...

Haha I love your Miss Fancy cartoon, we are . You're so sassy., I have a vision of myself as a cartoon lately too. I'm in the progress of finalizing my vision. love you girl!