Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Narcissism, Blogging, and my Mother...

Years ago, I began writing a blog of my own. (i.e. you’re reading it). I was single at the time and wanted a creative outlet for my life experiences that did not include 12093809830294803298 Facebook photos or whatever. I was inspired by another blog I read penned by a single girl just writing about her hilarious dating stories, work stories, her crazy roommates, and so on. The idea just struck me as “I WANT TO DO THAT! I CAN BE ENTERTAINING TOO!” sooo here we are. 

My first year of this here website consisted of snarky posts about random things, then I transitioned to chatting about the boyfriend [now husband!], and then as life picked up and I moved across the country my blogging slowed down significantly. May was a big effort, as I tried very hard to follow the “Blog Ever Day in May” challenge posted by a blog I follow. Buuuuut now it’s October.

Life gets busy, and when I get home the last thing I want to do is get back on a computer and ignore my husband who I haven’t seen [fully conscious] since the night before. Mornings with him don’t count because he’s usually half asleep, and he’s really not a morning person so I just leave him alone and buzz around him…quietly.  Today, for example I am writing this on Word so then I can post it later. That’s how I do most of my posting- I write when something strikes me and then [try to] remember to post it later that day from the comfort of my own home.

I don't actually like America, just this 'vintage' headband
So here I am; posting another random post but this topic has really genuinely been weighing heavy on me for a while. Let me walk you through my thought process. A number of months ago, before I turned 29, I saw this Ted talk titled “Why 30 is not the new 20”. It spoke heavily to me- as if she was taking some of my conclusions I’d come to personally and spouting them off as her own findings. As she stated, it was an “aha!” moment. She basically talked about how many of my generation’s folks and the twenty-something’s before me are essentially extending their carefree adolescence until their 30th birthday or even later. And because these young folks are making these choices, their whole life in terms of a family, career, etc, is delayed or sometimes never really takes off. Ever.

Not every person wants that, which is completely fine. Some like to wander alone and find their place in the world. Great! As long as my hard earned dollars don’t fund that search [i.e. government entitlements like welfare, etc.] then search away! I absolutely won’t lose a wink over your choices.
She's 25? Really?

And then there are articles written like this one titled “Because I’m a Twenty Something”. It was written by none other than a twenty something and speaking from her quarter of a century of experiences. Her goal was to encourage those of her generation to break the mold, and carpe diem! But telling her fellow twentysomethings to “i hope you buy a plane ticket to paris”, and to change your mind all the time and live at home or don’t. As a 29 year old who has been on her own since she was 23, that suggestion was baffling. Her advice is to make rash decisions and live on impulses and only think of yourself and what you want and what your goals are, to hell with anyone else. There are plenty of ways to seize the day and still make responsible decisions that pay your bills and put food on your table. A mature person knows this.

The next step in this thought process of “Narcissism, Blogging, and my Mother” is a blog titled “Story of My Life , written by a 26 year old woman named Jenni, living in Austin, TX. She writes about her life, and “…is a direct reflection of her obsession with social media, good design, photos that draw you in and tell a story, fashion, interior design, exploring Austin, and sharing my life in a (sometimes) funny, meaningful, insightful, and beautiful way. Hope you’ll stay a while.” I first found this blog through the original one who inspired me to start this one. This girl is really really beautiful- but after following her for almost 2 years, I’m losing interest quickly. Though initially she was a stay-at-home-blogger, she did inspire me to start my photo business- I mean, she just up and did it and seems to be really happy. [my little business is still on the runway, taxiing to takeoff. Heh!]. However, her posts include ohhhh so many pictures of herself in expensive clothing fitted to her petite frame, framed by her very long, thick dark hair that flows down from her lovely, alabaster skin where her absolutely perfect smile spreads out. She’s so pretty it’s almost annoying. And by the 10th shot of her in the same outfit, just from a different angle, I’m annoyed. What takes away the almost is when she talks about how her “fat goes right to her ass”, and claims to have “horrible skin”. Seriously? What are you? A size 4? On a fat day? Another annoying factor is when she pens ‘outfit posts’ and says things like “ Let me apologize for the post about to come” but seriously looks like a knockout. Or says “My closet has turned into this weird thing full of free clothes that aren't really even ME. Are your diamond shoes too tight as well? Please.

From the amount of time she spends in front of the camera posing and smiling, homegirl really sends a mixed message. Own your narcissism, sister! You’ve made money off writing about your life, selling your story in such an appealing way that you have thousands of readers. CLEARLY you know you’re interesting enough that people want to see 10 shots of you in a flowy top and skinny jeans, talking about how you struggle to get things done around your home and have no concept of time. I myself began following you because you seem to have great style and we like a few of the same things- but over the years, as I became a wife and stayed a working girl outside the home- I just can’t relate to your troubles. But I'll follow along and snag decor and photography tips anyway. 

Who doesn't love watermelons?!

And I feel really really  mean thinking unkind thoughts about someone I have never actually met in real life. She must be a gem to be around because she has tons of readers who gush over how delighted they were to meet her in real life.  But then I came across this blog “Why do blogs suck?” It was HILARIOUS! This girl is funny, pretty, but doesn’t take herself too seriously. I love reading her stories about her students, and her ginger husband. And I realized that I am NOT alone in my tendencies to get irritated at women who do the things that Jenni does. Bonnie also hates too many photos of the author. All the things I don’t like, she doesn’t like either!

Her first thing on her list of 9 reasons was what captured me most- “Too much gushy with the boy?” OMG OMG OMG! Ever since Facebook hit my college campus in 2005, it BLEW ME AWAY about how much information folks would share. With everyone. All the time The passive aggressive posting about being angry, or giving away your location when you said you were somewhere else. Then came the pictures of underaged drinking, of-aged drinking, of barfing in the parking-lot, of you and your boyfriend joined at the jaw, of you with your arm propped up to look skinner, of your entire wedding… BLEW ME AWAY!!!! My rule of thumb has generally been “if you won’t show your mom, don’t post it.” Personally, writing a short novel to my Mom about my unwavering devotion and deep love for my husband would not only turn her stomach, but would make me feel like a moron. Not because the feelings aren’t real, but shouldn’t a gal [or guy] just tell their mate how they feel? Put it in a card, and give it to your mate. The end.  

We twenty-something women are all a bit narcissistic, though. To establish a website devoted solely to our own writing and photos? To have a Facebook page only for us? To tell our audience every day “what’s on our mind”? How interesting can we possibly be? Some are really interesting, others are not. Like Bonnie, I appreciate a well rounded blog- good mix of style tips, pictures, recipes, hilarious life stories, and even a sprinkle of faith. I try to be the blog I would want to read.  The one exception I’ll make on the ‘too many pictures’ issue is fashion blogs. I only “read” those for the pictures. Most days, I know how to dress myself, but there are some days that inspiration lacks and I need some help.

Another great point Bonnie makes, is a blog feeling “Inauthentic”. Oh. Boy. Can. I. Relate!!!!!!!!!I love to look at pretty pictures and read good writing, but by the end of a post sometimes I am like “no way she’s that happy and put together every day.” Or wondering how a blogger affords the activities she writes about when she’ll have just posted a day or two earlier about struggling with a budget. Look, bloggers- life isn’t pretty. The more you try to make yours look like a dream world, the less I will believe your content. I would rather read about a crazy cooking disaster on a friend or family member’s birthday than to see just one more freaking picture of your Martha Stewart worthy meal. Ugh. Seriously? I don’t buy it and neither should anyone else.

In addition to being a touch narcissistic, it also baffles me that someone can actually make money these days simply buy doing what I am just doing now. Writing for a little website I set up for free. It’s awesome because it can afford some folks to work from home, but wow. What a crazy concept! I’m not sure I could ever transition to put enough effort into this to attempt to make money- I like 3D people too much. This really is just a hobby/creative outlet for me to put thoughts out there and share my photography work on here.

And finally, my mother. For the few outfit posts I did post in an attempt to be more trendy- I felt ridiculous. I felt really self-obsessed handing the camera to my husband and saying “here, babe. Take pictures of me.” And then as he thoughtlessly snapped away on some photos for me, not really making an effort to focus and get good angles, I actually got annoyed!!!! Hahahahaha!!!!!

All I could hear in the back of my head was my mother’s voice saying “Wow, don’t you think a lot of yourself?!” And she has a point! My mom has a Facebook, but only to see my posts and pictures of my husband and I and my cats. She refuses to put up a profile picture. She doesn’t like having her photo taken, so she won’t let me take any. Period. I believe her.  Just like I get annoyed at too many kiddo photos, I’m sure people get sick of my cats. She just doesn’t come from a generation where you get online and get verbal diarrhea, sharing every single thought you have all day long. I appreciate that. Face to face chats or phone calls mean more to her than me writing “I love you” on her Facebook wall.  I completely agree with her. We have become a society of being plugged in to others all the time and do the virtual pissing match of “I’m more accomplished than you”.  If you didn’t take yet another picture of yourself at the gym, you didn’t really work out. If you relationship isn’t declared on Facebook, it’s not official.  If you have an amazing looking meal, you Instagram it. And if you didn’t place a #infrontofthedescription no one can look for your picture so it doesn’t matter.

As twenty-somethings we should also hopefully realize that our parents were right. Period. They are smart and have life experience to share. It’s valuable and we should listen and respect them. We should have a plan for our self and always make choices working toward our goals. Now is the time to start. At 18 was the time to start. Although I remember at 18 I couldn’t wait to buy cigarettes legally and get my bellybutton pierced. Because I lived at home, my parents said no and that if I did that, they would rip it out. My parents didn’t waver on their threats, and at 29 my life is just fine without that hole in my bellybutton.

A decade of haphazard decisions that don’t include saving for the future and building a resume can only end in disaster and it’s a fear that Ms. Jay expressed in her Ted Talk I referenced at the beginning of this incredibly long post. I agree with her. When I was a teenager, I couldn’t wait to get old enough to work and make money and get out on my own. Although my parents would never accept rent and never ever told me to leave, I wanted to leave. I wanted to be an adult, on my own. So many young folks these days just don’t have that same drive and it’s infuriating to watch. We shouldn’t be afraid to fail for trying, we should be afraid to miss out on our destiny…not the next text coming our way.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

5 Songs...

Five songs to speak to me or bring back memories... here we go:

1. Britney Spears: Baby One More Time... reminds me of freshmen year of highschool. Cheerleading practice. Thinking that wearing boys boxershorts to practice in was cool. Gross.

2. Gloria Estefan: Conga.... when I was about 5 or 6 I was convinced I sounded just like her when I sang and I knew ALL the words to this song

3. Lil John & Eastside Boys: Get Low.... reminds me of college, sophomore year. Getting shwaaasstyyy at a dive called Chan's and dancing with my girlfriends. Oh the good days!

4. Travis Tritt: T R O U B L E... the band at Jubilee's on Pensacola Beach always sang this for me every Friday night as I sat with my friends and watched my dumb boyfriend drink his face off. I wasn't old enough at the time, and the bar isnt' even there any more but that's ok. The song still makes me giggle cause I felt super special that the band liked our group so much.

5. Frank Sinatra: The Best is Yet To Come.... the song my husband and I danced to at our wedding. Enough said :)


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Random food post

My husband doesn't like eggplant. A lot of people don't...and I knew that as I prepared our dinner this evening. Nevertheless, I was determined to make the pasta sauce so delicious he wouldn't notice the eggplant. In that feat, I failed. BUT the sauce was STILL AMAZING!!!! Even he admitted it as he asked to swap the eggplant for something else like spicy sausage or whatever.  Got my recipe from Cuisine magazine and it was phenomenal. Plenty for 2 more servings!!! Be jealous :)

A letter to my readers

Sometimes, more often than not, I sit down to this little ole' blog and have ABSOLUTELYNOTADANGCLUE what to write.  I actually started this blog when I was a single gal as a way to connect with other ladies like me- late 20's and just doing my own thing.  It was originally titled "cocktalesandstiletthoes". No man. No pressure. Just trying to have fun.  The title was a combo of my dating stories-to-be [that never really happened], plus a play on words cause Lord knows my day ain't complete without a few sips of wine, annnnd plus shoes. I love shoes. Ask anyone. (it was the ONLY thing I insisted on with my bridesmaids, since I saw way too many wedding photos where, in my opinion, the bridesmaids' shoes RUINED the photos). Seriously.

Sometimes I just start a post and then save it to save my sanity and collect my thoughts.  Other times I have a moment in my day where a whole post strikes me at one time and I just can't type it out fast enough! Those are the moments I love... that was the majority of many of my first posts from 2011. They were rather snarky, but it was a few years of annoying crap [to me] that I just had to get out there. Hell, if other women can blog about their outfits every day and make a living, I can certainly share my sarcasm and humor with the world...for FREE!!! Now I am getting my tiny little photography career off the ground one snap at a time, and living on the beach in Southern California with my two kitties and awesome husband.  God is funny and has a plan for us all. This is NOT AT ALL what I thought it would be for me, but it's pretty dang great so far. Anyway, my point with this is to thank anyone who has followed this blog from the beginning until now.  I feel the tone has evolved to fit me as a person and what I want to share. From sassy and single to sassy and married, sassy is my constant and that's just that. Thanks for stopping by!!!!! :)

Wedding Weekend 2012 :)

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Something I read online + discussion

This could prooobbbably count as a "Rant Pt II", but we'll stick wtih "Something I read online + discussion" for now.

I just read this post here and am absolutely baffled at the outcome that resulted from the issues this couple had with Facebook. If you don't feel like reading it, here's the gist: This couple "had problems" because of ex's spying on them through mutual friends' facebook accounts. So to avoid this, they deleted their individual accounts and made 1 joint account and only friended family and friends who were not friends with any of the exes on Facebook. It almost worked out perfectly, except that apparently she lost one friend entirely to the ordeal.

This is just odd. ODD! Sure, marriage is the union of a man and woman to one flesh with God. Got it. But who said anything about completely giving up your privacy and self to reeeeaaaally be "one" with your spouse. Not to mention, it seems that this couple failed to find the "block" option on facebook for these problem-people. And finally, SERIOUSLY? It's Facebook. JUST IGNORE IT! IT IS NOT REAL. You're grown adults. Married to each other and letting some petty BS cause actual problems in your marriage? Oh no. That's just lame sauce and does not show much maturity on either of your parts. At all.

The even more infuriating part about her little "issue" is all the validation for it that rolled in through the comments below her post. ( I put it in " " because I do not recognize that as a geniune issue. it's self inflicted.) Soooooooo many women were like "OMG me too! We so had problems and did the same thing" She genuinely typed out that article like her husband was actually 100% onboard with the absurd notion of sharing a social media account. No. He's a dude. The real reason he likely went along with that crap is because now he never ever has to remember the password to sign in. Clearly, if she is the kind of person to allow petty drama to affect her marriage- I guarantee that she has that app on her phone and updates like a feind because everyone cares so much what "they" are doing. The freakier part is that to have that sort of account, they would need an email they both have access to in order to maintain it, in the event of a forgotten password and to receive notifications if they wanted them. So joint email AND Facebook. Wow. Do you guys share underwear too?

Sister, nobody is fooled. You're married to a military man. He just didn't want another damn fight about stupid immature drama. As you say- he works so hard and such long hours... AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT CRAP!  My husband would probably roll his eyes at me if I suggested something like this. Why? Because we're adults. We trust each other and just don't get involved in silly things like that. I think he would sooner just delete his account that go through the trouble of first creating a joint email, and THEN creating a joint Facebook page and managing both. Seriously. The other day he actually had to recover his password because he hadn't logged-in in so long that he forgot it. Hehe. Real men don't let that stuff interfere with their real lives. Sorry princess, but your soldier just wanted you happy and not fussing. He doesn't actually care.

Passing this stupid crap off as a "we did this together" action is just silly. So many other military wives I've bumped into really get under my skin with this "we" shit. The Church doesn't tell you to "be the right half of a person" and that you're "incomplete" without a mate. He tells us to be the right person. A whole person. An individual who is a real, whole person, who with another whole person creates something wonderful while still maintaining because whole people of God. All of this "He's my best friend" and "we do everything together" and "we don't have secrets and never fight" is just bull. Straight up. Please gag me because I can't read much more of it.

IT'S NOT REAL LIFE. Stop lying to yourself and everyone else trying to put on a facade of a 'perfect marriage'. Any married gal knows you're lying. It's one thing not to air your dirty laundry. It's another to just be a bullsh****r. Facebook is a only a website that with one click of the mouse can just go away. Then we can all get back to living our 3D lives without oversharing every moment with 902,834,098 friends who don't actually care what we're having for lunch, or that we're "like soooo having an awesome time with my besties at the pool #ilovesummertime".

Ironically enough, I am just reminded that I had a problem with a college boyfriend about Facebook. I was a member of a group called "Random Play". To this day I have NO CLUE why I was in it or who the administrator was. But because my boyfriend was ALREADY insecure about our relationship [because it was going down the tubes like s*** through a goose], he just created a big fight about it and demanded that I sign in to my account and allow him to look at whatever he wanted. Messages, groups, etc. It was absurd. Truth: WE were the problem. We did not go well together and it didn't make us bad people, just a bad match and it took waaayyyyy too long to figure that out. Read: Facebook wasn't the true problem. We were.

In conclusion, I think the choice was silly for them to have a "joint" account because of Facebook "problems". Either block the people you don't want contacting you, delete your accounts, or just ignore it and live your happy life. No one should dictate your life except God and you. Certainly not a silly website and it's tricky features. Grow up and stop making military wives look like silly women.

Day 25- Something someone told you about yourself...

..that you will never forget.

When I was leaving my last command, my department had a farewell for me. Not only did I not get to select the location, I wound up paying for my own tab, and finally in the middle of it- my department head quietly told me that my fellow colleagues did not think I was a very nice person and that I really need to work on my people skills if I want to continue to be successful. That really stuck with me and I won't ever forget it. Ever.

Day 24- Top 3 Worst Traits

1. I procrastinate. Not too bad- but just bad enough that it's on this list.
2. I am impatient. This makes no sense since I procrastinate, but it's true.
3. I use foul language. A lot. It's tacky, but it's me.


Day 23- Things I learned NOT from school

Rather than rewrite- I will redirect you to this much earlier post. Enjoy!!!!!!!

Day 22- Rant About Something

Day 22- Rant About Something.
Oh man, what a great topic for me. On my snarkiest days, I can definitely get a good one going.
Honestly, my latest rant is Facebook {OVER}Sharing.
First up? Moms on Facebook. Not just any moms, but moms of children under 5. For some unknown reason, thank to the encouragement of social media like twitter, instagram, and facebook- some people feel compelled  to share their every moment in life with the whole world. And I do mean every moment. WHY?? JUST WHY?? Sharing a funny story, or a public service announcement, or even an interesting news article is one thing. Even albums of fun trips or birthday celebrations are ok. But the pictures AND the stories can quickly go from “oh look! That must have been a fun event” to “WHAT THE HELL? I don’t want to see pictures of that bodily function. EVER!”
My peeve with this oversharing started in college, when Facebook first hit the scene and people are all about sharing everything. A group of girls from my sorority went out to celebrate one of their 21st Birthdays. The next few days produced pictures of the birthday girl sitting in her own urine and vomiting in public. Nice friends, right? First of all, who takes pictures of that kind of thing anyway? Not cool. But then, to put them on a public site for the whole world to see? Even less cool.
Now, I am older and as my friends and friends of friends have reproduced in mass quantity we now have the first generation of Facebook moms; still unable to [correctly]decide what should and should not go in the line following “What’s on your mind?...”  Photos of your naked child should NEVER go online. Baby picture album at home? Go for it. A soapy naked toddler lapping your house is adorable- in print, behind plastic, in a physical album, in your home. Not on the world wide web! Al Gore would even agree he did not invent the internet for this kind of absurdity. Additionally, sharing the bodily functions of your precious child should also NEVER go online. Not a picture, not a status, not a damn freaking thing. Nothing. “Oh, your kid pooped in the potty today? So did my two cats. In their ‘potty’. Also successful.” Perhaps I should start oversharing like some moms about my cats’ bathroom excursions and post pictures taking a poll of who thinks which poo is Lulu’s and which is Leo’s. Maybe I will even throw in a stray cat’s poo just to mix up the game. (sometimes our neighborhood strays poop on our front porch. When ya gotta go, ya gotta go I reckon!) Or how about I share whenever they throw their poo OUTside the litter box? Because apparently, stories of little boys smearing the house or tub with poo are cute enough to share on Facebook. Sure! Go ahead and share that, but don’t get butthurt when people decline your invitations to a coffee chat or dinner in your home. Sorry, but most people would just rather not know and assume that the aroma of bleach in your home is just there because you like things super duper clean.
Next up: NEW Moms. In Labor. And I don’t mean the weekend before school starts in the fall. The uncontrollable need to post every single detail of childbirth complete with pictures of you barely clothed, sweating, and draped with a baby the shade of a beet just don’t appeal to the mass majority. Again, save those for a personal album at home. How about if the camera could just stay in the off position until everyone has a normal looking skin tone, maybe a sponge bath, and has put a comb through her hair. Seriously girls-I love ya’ll and I am so happy to see pictures of your sweet baby’s first moments in this world. But that’s all I wanna see. You and your baby, fully clothed, clean, and smiling. It’s almost like if it’s not on facebook ASAP, it’s not real? What’s next? Hashtags before, during, and after labor? “#myvagissohugeandthishurtslikehell”
“#omgcheckouthishead” (add in photo of baby crowning)
Just so everyone here knows, I plan to have as MANY drugs as possible when I give birth because if I don’t, my hashtags at that point would go something like this:
& finally  “#fucktheicechipsandgetmeamartinibecauseheisalmostoutanyway”
On the note of hashtags: #tags:   WHAT THE HECK IS THE POINT? Who would take the damn time out of their day to sit on google and lookup the RIDICULOUS run-on-words people create with them? Just like 90% of’s ‘front page stories’- NO BODY GIVES A FLYING MONKEYS BEHIND! It’s  just weird and annoying. Stop it!
Next up on the rant: ”Selfies” (A new term for a photo posted to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram that was taken by turning your camera around and snapping the photo of yourself by yourself- or of friends squeezing together and taking the photo of themselves). Let’s be clear, a few are ok and fun. But when your every single photo is from that angle and you’re alone in all of them, I am going to take a guess that you have no friends. I’ll even take it a step further and say that you are just a liiitttlllee bit self obsessed?Just a bit? At least get a camera with a timer and a tripod. FOOL us into thinking someone took the picture. Please.
And finally we have the awkward posed picture peeve. Every girl ever these days has seen the Cosmo article telling you how to stand in a photo to look your best (i.e. skinny). You angle your body toward the camera, put one or both hands at your hip, roll your shoulders back, and make sure the camera is getting the skinnest side of your face as you angle your chin down slightly to make your face look skinny too. What do you get? A bunch of really severly diluted girls thinking that these tricks will suddenly snap away the pounds with the flash of a camera. Truth? There is some truth to the suggestions. Standing up straight, pulling your shoulders slightly back, and catching your good side will make for a FLATTERING picture. But for pete’s sake, it’s not lyposuction in a can. So don’t turn every photo opportunity into a “sorority squat with a cheerleader hands-into-fist-and-put-on-hips” for every single picture ever. You might look a little thinner, but you also look ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS because unless everyone is standing that way, you’re now the awkward one in the group. Just be yourself and be realistic.  Hell, if it’s that bad just photoshop it. Why do you think that was invented?!
1.      Last but not least- EMOPOSTS…. UGHHH!!! What I mean by “EMOPOST” is a status update saying something like this: “Everytime I put my heart out there, it gets ripped to pieces. I’m done. #singleforlife  or “Guess I’m just doomed to get the short end of the stick every time.” Or “After my conversation with someone on Saturday night. This nearly took my breathe away <insert sappy love ballad video link> All this kind of crap is is a desparate attempt to get attention. We get it, you’re sad. Boo hoo. If shit is that bad, get OFF Facebook, and go hangout with your friends. Maybe even grab your Bible and talk to the Lord. He’s the best listener. Ever. Whining in public is just embarassing and sad. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. The Lord helps those who help themselves.

Day 21- List of links to MY Favorite Posts

Since starting this little blog back in 2011, I have posted some serious and funny stuff. Those who know me in real life, know that I don't hold back most of the time. You will know what I am thinking whether you wanted to or not because I think it's only fair to share :) So without further ado, here is a list of links to my favorite posts:

In case you didn't know, I gave EHarmony a shot. It didn't go well.

Don't worry boys, there's a girl version too.

Ladies, this is true. Just own it.

I WISH I was making up this story- sadly I was not. Makes for a great retell with our friends though :)

Everyone can relate to this one...

It's just amusing..

Great recap of a great year!

true story

fantastic- but I learned a lot and grew up.

duh- diamonds are awesome!

Day 20- Get Real...

Today I am sharing something I am struggling with in order to get real with my readers.

Just in case my previous posts were missed, I am struggling with weightloss. I shared it in a few earlier posts, but recently I hit an alltime low with my journey. I saw a number on the scale I had never seen before and never thought I would... Talk about a foot-to-ass reaction on my part?! I eat healthy for a while, hit the gym, drop 10 lbs, feel great, and then stop. For some reason, I have never been able to consciously keep pushing past those 10 lbs lost, and go for the 15 or even the 20. Why? I mean, I LOVE food but I also really love running. Recently, though I think I have discovered my mistake.

As I enter my meals eaten into, I see the calories totally up from seemingly harmless snacks or drinks. But then when I punch in exercise I see the calories allotted for the day increase. For my weightloss goal, 1200 calories a day are recommended. Seems simple, right? Eat less, exercise more. But no... instead, I think "oh, I ran really hard today. I can sneak in another snack, another slice of pizza, another cocktail, etc." So what I have essentially done to myself is made up for the calories I burned by eating more. Now call me crazy, but apparently that doesn't equal weightloss in some peoples' books.

Yes, I am serious. I really have been doing that stupid math and not taking care of my body the way I should. Luckily, the error of my ways showed up on the scale and slapped me clean across the face to wake me up. SO- as much as I detest calorie counting- for me, it helps. Maybe one day I won't have to do it as often and I will know what's good and what I should pass on. But until then, it keeps me accountable so I don't just wipe out my efforts at the gym or in the pool with an extra slice of pizza, or a sugary snack late at night.

There. That's my struggle. Cookie anyone?

Day 19- Five Favorite Blogs

     This woman is SUCH a Godsend to a newly wed gal like myself. Transitioning from FSG, to FG, FW within less than two years mixed in with a cross country move, and a job change left me reeling with confusion about love, life, God, and what the heck I am supposed to be doing with myself in my new role as wife. She nails it right on the head and there isn't a day that goes by now that I don't think "Is this how Courtney would do it?"

My best friend pens this cute little blog about clean and healthy eating in a dirty, overprocessed, obese world. I LOVE having her in my life to be my living food journal. She always tries the most fantastic recipes, and reads so much so she is definitely my go-to person for nutrition questions and food recommendations. Her efforts are a loonnng way from our days in college where I have actually witnessed her polishing off a case of sunkist soda in less than a week, topped with some caramel machiatos from the sbux in our library several days a week, then we would hit up the coldstone creamery every sunday night where she would help my broke ass dig into a big cup of calories. oh, and did I mention the mexican place we would go to for MULTIPLE bowls of queso and some quesadillas. Yeah. Not the best choices for our growing minds [and waistlines]!!!

The title of this lovely gal's blog says it all. She is a fashionista on a budget, and her outfit combos are just sensational. There's not too many gals I know that can't relate to her efforts to stay fabulous without breaking the bank. It's refreshing and fun to step into her world and see what you can create from your very own closet, or nearby consignment shop!

This blog was one I stumbled upon about two years ago while I was living in Virginia. She knows a friend of my roomate and that's the 6 degrees of separation! While we do not know each other in real life, I read her posts daily and really enjoy her style of writing and photography. She is part of my inspiration to begin my very own photography business because she recently did the very same and really has taken off with it! So great to see people find their passion and thrive happily.

I love cats, and even though I only have two- somehow I've still managed to earn the title of "cat lady". Anyway, this little blog is just HILARIOUS and filled with the silly things every cat ever has done. It's really fun to see it penned into a cute little cartoon. Another favorite of mine related to cats is Click on "films" and enjoy.

Day 18- A story from my post-childhood

Where to begin?....

Day 18- Tell a story from your childhood…
This is so loaded [and late]. As usual, life and work has derailed my journey of blogging every day for 30 days.  Even though I have had more time, the topic has still got me a little lost for words. I can’t think of a single story from my childhood that would really be entertaining or worth reading for that matter. Not to say I didn’t have a good time or anything- just nothing of note is jumping up.
So perhaps now I will regale you with a story from my first day of high school. That’s almost childhood still- heck I wasn’t even 14 yet! Anyway, so first day of high school: Like any normal girl, I’m just sick because I worry I wore the wrong outfit to school, that my hair isn’t right, my makeup looks bad, the other girls won’t like me, the boys won’t notice me, I’ll go to the wrong class, forget my locker combo, trip in the lunchroom, have food on my face after lunch, or even worse… have to “go” at school! Lucky for me that last one was a guarantee to happen. When I am very nervous, my GI tract goes into overdrive. Happened at Navy OCS all the time, before Fitness tests, and any race I run. So at least 2-3 trips were made; but that isn’t the worst part. The meat of this story was when lunchtime rolled around. (pun intended).
I quickly and nervously scanned the crowd for a familiar face and an open seat as I lugged around my unnecessarily big backpack and lunch tote. My parents had convinced me to have a giant backpack to carry around ALL my books so that I wouldn’t waste time in between classes with trivial locker trips. I mean, with this bag would have every book needed PLUS all the binders to go with, extra pens, paper, room for notes from my friends, even a small lipgloss and powder stash, along with a taser, some nun chucks, and a stash of vodka for those really rough highschool days? SCORE! Little did they realize that our school wasn’t that big so a smaller bag would have done the trick. However, I now also think it was my Dad’s secret way to make me look less attractive to boys. I mean- you think of a bony little blonde girl with frizzy hair and braces, hunched over as she walks because she’s carrying a huge bag full of crap to every single class. Five days a week. NO! JUST NO!
 Finally I found people, an open space…but no seat. None. At all. Like a good little freshman, I was WAY too scared to keep looking or even ask the lunchroom monitor if there were any extra chairs available. So instead, I propped up my giganto-backpack, gave the lunchroom one last scan and sat down on it, barely clearing the tabletop with my chin. It was a fairly accurate representation for how tall I felt at that moment. Looking back, it seems SO stupid that I didn’t just keep looking or ask around. I mean, what was going to happen to me? I mean really?... Eventually, after the longest 10 minutes of my life, someone nearby finally finished and felt pity so I was able to secure a chair and sit like a normal high school kid, finish my sandwich, and talk to my new friends. Lesson learned.  The next day, I wasted NO time getting to the lunchroom to find a spot to eat (read: pick at my food until people weren’t looking, then take huge bites and chew like a madwoman) and people to [awkwardly] converse with.  Overall it was a fairly traumatic experience… for a while I think people actually referred to me as “that girl who sat on her backpack at lunch”. And by while I mean a few days, but in teenage girl world- that’s like forever and everyone will remember that until graduation!UGH!


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Day 16- Something Difficult about my lot in life...

A while back, I wrote about my struggle with weight loss. So this definitely counts and a difficulty in my "lot" in life. Most people in my family are overweight and I didn't grow up eating a lot of made-from-scratch meals. Not to say my Mom didn't cook for our family. But looking back, many of our choices weren't the most nutritious. Now that I am an adult, I have had to re-learn how to eat and control my portions. Oh and factoring in the calories included in the alcoholic bevvies I enjoy also makes things a challenge. And my latest addition to this challenge is living with a man who loves my cooking. It makes me want to cook more and make him happy... and then we just eat and eat and eat at weird hours, thanks to our schedule- which also makes squeezing in workouts a challenge.  *sigh*.... So all in all, I struggle with staying at a healthy weight.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Strong > Skinny

As a new Crossfit participant, I am intrigued. It's a lot of fun, and a great total body challenge every day. This workout style is not just a gym. Not just a place you go to miserably sweat out every bite of the cheeseburger you had for lunch that day. As I type this, I am reminded of that girl I saw in the base gym last week:

She was drenched in her own sweat, head down as she read a book, just pedaling away on a stationary bike for an hour. She was dressed in a skin-tight underarmor workout top, and some snug workout pants. She was not fat, but the top was not flattering and showed every little lump and curve created as she hunched over the handlebars on the bike. The gym doesn't have air conditioning or a good way to get an air flow- turning it into a sauna no matter what you're doing. The first thing I thought of when I saw her was "Wow, she looks miserable." If you aren't having fun, why do it??!!!


For me- crossfit it is a lifestyle change. Makes working out fun, and takes the thinking out of it. I'm not creative enough to stick to a plan of my own.
For some, it's a lifestyle of getting healthy and comfortable in their skin as a strong person NOT focused on being a certain size. But it makes you think about yourself and why put garbage in your body when you work so hard? (this group is me

For others, it's a changeup from the iron slinging you see at traditional gyms...

And for a few- it's just a new identity. They wear the shirts, the shoes, talk the lingo, take pictures of their bleeding blistered hands like badges of glory, and usually overdose on testosterone. No matter the reason, we are all there together... sweating, cheering our classmates on [minus the spirit fingers], and getting strong.

There is no prize for bleeding blisters, or for finishing 5 rounds of kettlebell swings and box jumps first. Today for example (week 2), I finished 3rd of 7 folks... and instead of stopping, I jumped up on the box today for round 6- I just kept going so my classmate nearby wouldn't feel like we were all just staring at him while he pushed through his last set. It felt good. And to think that 45 minutes prior to that I felt like a zombie and wondered if I could muster the energy to get through another crazy workout... Martha said to me "You look like you're moving slow" as I dragged in the door at 5:55am. Yep. And at the end, I had so much energy that I rowed 1000m before I stretched and left.

People who make fun of Crossfit for being lame or stupid should try it. If you don't like it, fine. But don't hate on what works for someone else. My point here is not to sell you Crossfit- which is I think what I am starting to sound like I am doing. After reading another blog about it, I felt compelled to share my experience with it which has been absolutely fantastic.

Day 15, Wednesday: A Day in the life

The beach near my home, viewed from the fishing pier... just another beautiful sunset that we are blessed to enjoy!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Some perk for your Tuesday...

Noted... :)

Day 14: 10 Things that make me really happy

1. God's blessings in my life
2. Waking up next to my husband
3. First cup of coffee in the morning

4. Headbutts from Leo as I sip my coffee on the couch

5. Photography- visit my other page!!!

6. A clean house
(Not exactly a picture of that...yet.)

7. Laying out in the sun

Honeymoon on a yacht...yes, please!
8. A new pair of shoes
Shoe store in Dubai...swoon!

9. Running
Aut2Run 5K

10. A glass or two three of red wine in the evening

11. Making little cartoons of daily comedic events with the husband.
Little Miss Fabulous :)

Monday, May 13, 2013

Day 13, Monday: Issue a public apology.

To My Parents,

     I was a horrible teenager and it was no one's fault but my own. I was young, impressionable, and naturally did not believe anything you said. Ever. But I am older now and it's amazing what I have learned in 15 short years. You were right. My friend Toni was a bad influence. Boys did only want one thing if they called after 9pm. [this is still true, girls. A man respects your beauty rest and wouldn't want to ruin it.] Living at home was good for me and working crappy retail jobs taught me a million things from humility to good budgeting skills. After all, folks:  $5.35 an hour only went so far on 29 or less hours a week.
Breaking up with Mark was the absolute best thing I ever did aside from dating him. That relationship taught me how NOT to let a man treat me. But thankfully, you started letting me make my own mistakes after I kicked that jerk to the curb, and boy-oh-boy was that a learning curve. Long story short, you were right- I was wrong. Mission accomplished. I love you and promise to listen...from a few years ago on :)


Day 12, Sunday: What do you miss? (a person, a thing, a place, a time of your life...)

I miss my cats being kittens... this was taken in 2009, before I dropped them off at Grandmeow and Grandpaw's House (my Mom) in Florida for a year. (I had to deploy). These little bugs have been SUCH troopers over the past 4 years.  Car trips from GA to FL in 2009
Snoozing the miles away...
, then a plane ride to VA in 2011, a car ride back to FL in 2012, then a plane ride [solo] in 2012 a few months later.
Word has it that they rode next to a baby-Pitbull the whole flight. HA!

Day 11, Saturday: Sell yourself in 10 words or less


Any questions?

Day 10, Friday: Most embarrassing moment (s). Spill

This will be short... and choppy.

New boyfriend [who I later married]... Big party on a Thursday night with our friends... Wore some new boots with a dress... We come home after SEVERAL rounds at the party...and I am at the point that I am convinced that anything I'm doing is sexy. Anything. Including pulling off one boot, tousling my hair, then losing my balance and falling backwards as I attempt to remove my other boot. Yep. It was like a Clueless moment where she went to flip her hair and fell off the bed. Classic, adorable, and I still got the guy in the end. The end.

True Love <3

Day 9- Moment(s) in my day

Ok, folks. I am a liiiiiiiiittle behind on this challenge. Truth? I was overly obsessing about what I should share so I took a bazillion photos and had to sort them. Also I bought Lightroom 4, and had BIG PLANS TO USE IT TO AMAZE YOU ALL....and since just opened it today and realized that I have absolutely no freaking idea how to use it with any sort of savvy. (arrgghhh) So instead of some blow-your-mind-photos for this post, here you go with some iPhoto edited photos. ENJOY!

My alarm clock also has four legs, a tail, and a personality...


Monday? Pbtthhhhh!!!!!!

Coffee in a hand-me-down mug from my grandma :)

Sooo I should probably be heading to work..

Buuuut not before another snap of a beautiful morning from our balcony in Socal around 9:00am.
I. Love. This. Cat.

Time to go!
Did I mention I figure skate? Yeah- this sticker rocks.

Flowers in front of our home.
FABULOUS sunset around 7:30pm

Handsome husband!!!!!