Wednesday, April 17, 2013

What I'm Loving Wednesday- Boston.

Today will be a positive post!

What I am loving today is the resilliance of America's runners. Not one runner has ever said anything about quitting. At all.

People ask me why I run.
"Where are you going?"...anywhere.
"Why run so far?" ...why not??
"What is the point?" ...BECAUSE I CAN!
"What are you training for" ...LIFE!

After the tragic events on Monday at the finish-line of the Boston Marathon, it broke my heart. As a runner I can attest that the final mile of any race is relieving. It's when you dig deep, push harder, and run even faster. But for these folks, that magical final mile turned into a nightmare more unforgettable than just crossing the line and having photos taken, water tossed at you, and a medal slipped around your neck. The next race will be better! Never give up! I run because I can.

Please pray for the friends and families of the folks who lost their lives or were severely injured.

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