Thursday, June 13, 2013

Day 18- A story from my post-childhood

Where to begin?....

Day 18- Tell a story from your childhood…
This is so loaded [and late]. As usual, life and work has derailed my journey of blogging every day for 30 days.  Even though I have had more time, the topic has still got me a little lost for words. I can’t think of a single story from my childhood that would really be entertaining or worth reading for that matter. Not to say I didn’t have a good time or anything- just nothing of note is jumping up.
So perhaps now I will regale you with a story from my first day of high school. That’s almost childhood still- heck I wasn’t even 14 yet! Anyway, so first day of high school: Like any normal girl, I’m just sick because I worry I wore the wrong outfit to school, that my hair isn’t right, my makeup looks bad, the other girls won’t like me, the boys won’t notice me, I’ll go to the wrong class, forget my locker combo, trip in the lunchroom, have food on my face after lunch, or even worse… have to “go” at school! Lucky for me that last one was a guarantee to happen. When I am very nervous, my GI tract goes into overdrive. Happened at Navy OCS all the time, before Fitness tests, and any race I run. So at least 2-3 trips were made; but that isn’t the worst part. The meat of this story was when lunchtime rolled around. (pun intended).
I quickly and nervously scanned the crowd for a familiar face and an open seat as I lugged around my unnecessarily big backpack and lunch tote. My parents had convinced me to have a giant backpack to carry around ALL my books so that I wouldn’t waste time in between classes with trivial locker trips. I mean, with this bag would have every book needed PLUS all the binders to go with, extra pens, paper, room for notes from my friends, even a small lipgloss and powder stash, along with a taser, some nun chucks, and a stash of vodka for those really rough highschool days? SCORE! Little did they realize that our school wasn’t that big so a smaller bag would have done the trick. However, I now also think it was my Dad’s secret way to make me look less attractive to boys. I mean- you think of a bony little blonde girl with frizzy hair and braces, hunched over as she walks because she’s carrying a huge bag full of crap to every single class. Five days a week. NO! JUST NO!
 Finally I found people, an open space…but no seat. None. At all. Like a good little freshman, I was WAY too scared to keep looking or even ask the lunchroom monitor if there were any extra chairs available. So instead, I propped up my giganto-backpack, gave the lunchroom one last scan and sat down on it, barely clearing the tabletop with my chin. It was a fairly accurate representation for how tall I felt at that moment. Looking back, it seems SO stupid that I didn’t just keep looking or ask around. I mean, what was going to happen to me? I mean really?... Eventually, after the longest 10 minutes of my life, someone nearby finally finished and felt pity so I was able to secure a chair and sit like a normal high school kid, finish my sandwich, and talk to my new friends. Lesson learned.  The next day, I wasted NO time getting to the lunchroom to find a spot to eat (read: pick at my food until people weren’t looking, then take huge bites and chew like a madwoman) and people to [awkwardly] converse with.  Overall it was a fairly traumatic experience… for a while I think people actually referred to me as “that girl who sat on her backpack at lunch”. And by while I mean a few days, but in teenage girl world- that’s like forever and everyone will remember that until graduation!UGH!


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