Thursday, June 13, 2013

Something I read online + discussion

This could prooobbbably count as a "Rant Pt II", but we'll stick wtih "Something I read online + discussion" for now.

I just read this post here and am absolutely baffled at the outcome that resulted from the issues this couple had with Facebook. If you don't feel like reading it, here's the gist: This couple "had problems" because of ex's spying on them through mutual friends' facebook accounts. So to avoid this, they deleted their individual accounts and made 1 joint account and only friended family and friends who were not friends with any of the exes on Facebook. It almost worked out perfectly, except that apparently she lost one friend entirely to the ordeal.

This is just odd. ODD! Sure, marriage is the union of a man and woman to one flesh with God. Got it. But who said anything about completely giving up your privacy and self to reeeeaaaally be "one" with your spouse. Not to mention, it seems that this couple failed to find the "block" option on facebook for these problem-people. And finally, SERIOUSLY? It's Facebook. JUST IGNORE IT! IT IS NOT REAL. You're grown adults. Married to each other and letting some petty BS cause actual problems in your marriage? Oh no. That's just lame sauce and does not show much maturity on either of your parts. At all.

The even more infuriating part about her little "issue" is all the validation for it that rolled in through the comments below her post. ( I put it in " " because I do not recognize that as a geniune issue. it's self inflicted.) Soooooooo many women were like "OMG me too! We so had problems and did the same thing" She genuinely typed out that article like her husband was actually 100% onboard with the absurd notion of sharing a social media account. No. He's a dude. The real reason he likely went along with that crap is because now he never ever has to remember the password to sign in. Clearly, if she is the kind of person to allow petty drama to affect her marriage- I guarantee that she has that app on her phone and updates like a feind because everyone cares so much what "they" are doing. The freakier part is that to have that sort of account, they would need an email they both have access to in order to maintain it, in the event of a forgotten password and to receive notifications if they wanted them. So joint email AND Facebook. Wow. Do you guys share underwear too?

Sister, nobody is fooled. You're married to a military man. He just didn't want another damn fight about stupid immature drama. As you say- he works so hard and such long hours... AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT CRAP!  My husband would probably roll his eyes at me if I suggested something like this. Why? Because we're adults. We trust each other and just don't get involved in silly things like that. I think he would sooner just delete his account that go through the trouble of first creating a joint email, and THEN creating a joint Facebook page and managing both. Seriously. The other day he actually had to recover his password because he hadn't logged-in in so long that he forgot it. Hehe. Real men don't let that stuff interfere with their real lives. Sorry princess, but your soldier just wanted you happy and not fussing. He doesn't actually care.

Passing this stupid crap off as a "we did this together" action is just silly. So many other military wives I've bumped into really get under my skin with this "we" shit. The Church doesn't tell you to "be the right half of a person" and that you're "incomplete" without a mate. He tells us to be the right person. A whole person. An individual who is a real, whole person, who with another whole person creates something wonderful while still maintaining because whole people of God. All of this "He's my best friend" and "we do everything together" and "we don't have secrets and never fight" is just bull. Straight up. Please gag me because I can't read much more of it.

IT'S NOT REAL LIFE. Stop lying to yourself and everyone else trying to put on a facade of a 'perfect marriage'. Any married gal knows you're lying. It's one thing not to air your dirty laundry. It's another to just be a bullsh****r. Facebook is a only a website that with one click of the mouse can just go away. Then we can all get back to living our 3D lives without oversharing every moment with 902,834,098 friends who don't actually care what we're having for lunch, or that we're "like soooo having an awesome time with my besties at the pool #ilovesummertime".

Ironically enough, I am just reminded that I had a problem with a college boyfriend about Facebook. I was a member of a group called "Random Play". To this day I have NO CLUE why I was in it or who the administrator was. But because my boyfriend was ALREADY insecure about our relationship [because it was going down the tubes like s*** through a goose], he just created a big fight about it and demanded that I sign in to my account and allow him to look at whatever he wanted. Messages, groups, etc. It was absurd. Truth: WE were the problem. We did not go well together and it didn't make us bad people, just a bad match and it took waaayyyyy too long to figure that out. Read: Facebook wasn't the true problem. We were.

In conclusion, I think the choice was silly for them to have a "joint" account because of Facebook "problems". Either block the people you don't want contacting you, delete your accounts, or just ignore it and live your happy life. No one should dictate your life except God and you. Certainly not a silly website and it's tricky features. Grow up and stop making military wives look like silly women.

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