Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Things That Make Me Uncomfortable...


     Plain and simple. I get flustered, forget what to say [even though I have likely rehearsed it in my head several hundred thousand times]. Often times, the other party's reaction throws me off and then the guilt of how mean I am being starts to creep in and shut down my efforts. See, when I get upset by someone's words or actions I am absolutely not  likely to tell them right away. While I am aware that I should, I just don't and yes I am working on this.

    So then, by the time the issue gets addressed it is MUCH later and recalling specific details, dates, the general timeline of the offense gets difficult. And of course, if I do remember everything specifically and the other person does not- I IMMEDIATELY think that they are conveniently "forgetting" just to deflate my balloon of being angry and try to get away with the aforementioned offense. Is this true? Possibly... but at that point does it really matter? [eew, that was a very Hillary Clinton sort of statement...shudder.]. Shouldn't conflict resoluation and mending a friendship be the focus? And oh yeah, I definitely should have immediately pointed out the offense when it happened. Yep.

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