Wednesday, May 8, 2013

What I do...

"If you couldn't answer wtih your job, how would you answer the question 'What do you do?'"

Every morning, I wake up before the sun. Some days it's for a workout, some days it's to just enjoy the quiet before the storm. After a cup of ambition, I pin up my hair, put on my face, buckle up my uniform and get going down the road. The sun is up, and warming the miles of strawberry fields that lead the way to the office. At night, while falling asleep next to my husband and purring cats I hear the ocean crashing against the shore as the cool breeze gently sweeps through our beach adjacent home... sounds like heaven, right? It is. But it hasn't always been.

Deployment 2010 OEF

After signing the dotted line years ago, I moved thousands of miles away from my mom and dad, dog, & cat, grandma, grandpa, and best girlfriends to answer the call. I spent years growing out a horrendous haircut, working around a smelly environment, months on end at sea- away from all luxuries that most people I know take for granted. I have worked work around men on a power trip, followed rules that don't make sense, workedWAY more than just your typical 9-5, and putting a smile on my face 95% of the time. Every few years, my life gets boxed up and dropped off somewhere else and I start a new job, make new friends, and see something new.

Sunrise at sea...

So my fellow citizens can sleep soundly in their beds, knowing all is well, and they'll see the sun the next morning.

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